After working as a teacher, marrying and raising a family I decided to further explore the meaning of human existence. A study of Theology lead me to a deeper inquiry into human development and emotional health and then into training in psychotherapy.
I have been working in private practice as a psychotherapist and counsellor since 1991 having trained initially under an apprenticeship model. This involved intensive individual training in psychotherapy from 1988 to 1993 with Mr Harold Bernhardt (BA; MA; ANZPsS; MNZAP; former senior Psychologist at Ashburn Hall and Senior Lecturer at University of Otago Medical School.) Since then I have also graduated as a Gestalt Psychotherapist. I am trained and received Certification as an Imago Relationship therapist.
My full-time practice is located within a Health Centre and while many of my referrals come from Doctors and self-referrals, others come through professional work schemes, ACC and the Family Court.